Once upon a time, long ago, way before Presbyterians invented
Irish Republicanism (sort of), the places that we know as Ireland and Scotland
(or rather most of it) shared the same name in the eyes and mouths of the
travelers from the civilised Mediterranean; ‘Scotia’, meaning land of the
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Scotia (Hibernia) and Scotia Minor |
From a sea faring point of view it’s an archipelago with
varying distances between hundreds of islands, the two main islands being
separated only by 20km but straddled in
part by an identical culture (well, as far as Gaelic Scotland was concerned).
Hence, the world was gifted with Scotia Major (Ireland) and
Scotia Minor (Scotland).
Remember, the modern ideas and interpretations of political
borders are exactly that, ideas and interpretations. At one stage of history a
country was decided by which family ruled it, not the common language or even
geography. Physical boundaries counted for little if there was a monarch
powerful enough to decide otherwise.
However, back in the days of ‘the’ Scotia, it was the norm
that it was generally a ‘langwage thang’. And the Gaels (‘Scotians’?) spoke the
same language.
That’s not to say that both lands were necessarily seen as
‘one’ by the inhabitants, for example, Brian Boru had himself titled ‘Imperator
Scottorum’ – ‘The Emperor of the Gaels (Irish)’.
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Brian Boru: "Imperator Scottorum" |
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Vodka Boru: "Aqua Scottorum?" |
But at the same time these differences petered out now and
again, in the myths of Cuchulainn he goes to places that would be deemed more
familiar and local to seafaring Ulstermen than alien Connaght, e.g. The land of
Skatha a.k.a the Land of Shadows (The Isle of Skye) and the lines become even more
blurred when the MacDonald Clan (MacDonnells) obtain a foothold in Antrim. North
and East Antrim became as much a part of the Scottish Highlands & Islands
as the Argylle ( ‘Eastern Gael’).
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Skatha's land: Skye |
So much has been carried back and forth between the two
lands over the past millennium or two that should a medieval sea-merchant be
unfortunate enough to befall the fate of a casually explained time travelling
plot and be transported to the modern era he would see little difference
between them: The same names on either side of the
Corryvrecken whirlpool, the same languages (though a difference in the
ascendancy of the two), the same tribalism, the same music (roughly speaking
and bar a few instruments, such as the new-fangled banjo gadget), the same
stereotypes of drunkenness, quick wit, singing, and fighting etc etc.
He would then wonder at the need for the constant battle
lines that are being drawn in the identity stakes.
The ‘Irish’ (as in the main group) are happy being Irish and
they like the Scots. The Scots are very happy being Scottish and in general get
on well with the Irish (especially if the Scots are of the West Coast variety).
The Northern Irish Protestants (being stripped of their Anglo-Irish brethren
since partition) have seemingly switched from being Irish with an obvious
Scottish influence to being Scottish people marooned on the wrong side of the
This would cause a lot of bafflement to said medieval
His thoughts would be that given the similarities (and even
the similarities of proclaimed differences e.g. Ulster Scots fiddling as
opposed to Irish fiddling? It’s still Irish fiddling FFS! Just Irish fiddling
that has been influenced by Scotland, logically so given their proximity) that
any alleged differences must be surely artificial and contrived.
One would have to agree with the hapless and no doubt
confused merchant.
Why so much effort into stressing the ethnic differences
when said differences go full circle historically speaking and end up in
Ireland anyway?
Were the Northern Irish Protestants planted on Erin’s shores
from Nigeria then there would be a great deal of logic in the approach.
But they weren’t.
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Nigerian |
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NOT Nigerian |
They came from a place planted by Gaels, joined later on by
the very same groups who imposed themselves on Ireland; Vikings and
So it’s not like they’re the fruit of some exotic hybrid
For a long time the main differences were religion and to a
lesser extent political loyalties and the pronunciation of the letter ‘H’.
Now the churches are haemorrhaging members.
spectre of ‘Rome Rule’ is clumsily grasped by those who have gladly surrendered
their mental faculties and those who wish to exploit this surrender and use it
as means to induce fear and create political myths and bogeymen.
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'ROME RULE': The Fear |
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'ROME RULE': Kicking Bishop Brennan Up The Arse |
The past decade or so hasn't been great for the Catholic Church. Nineteenth
century Presbyterian proselytisers would have lept on that wounded animal like
a pack of hyenas.
Not so
their modern counterparts.
If ever there was a time for a fresh stab
at a ‘Celtic Church’, one that would use Gaelic as the language of the house
(like the Free Presbyterians of the Outer Hebrides) and pay homage to the
Celtic saints like, Brendan, Columba, Brigid, Kevin, Patrick & Co, it would
be now.
With the fall of ‘Rome Rule’ and Protestant church
attendance the cultures have even more in common now given the machinations of modern life:
Soap operas, fast food, supermarkets, commuting, benefits, tabloids, mobile
phones, cheap alcohol, praying to the hand of the lottery for deliverance, a
hankering to own anything by Steve fucking Jobs etc etc.
Yet the idea of massive differences prevails.
So much so that there are whispers of a ‘cultural war’.
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British |
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Irish |
There is no denying that there is a short sighted strategy
to wipe away all evidence of British trappings, unconvincingly labeling it as
a ‘foreign’ influence.
Such is the logic and initial tragic path for nationalism.
For all the bravado of nationalism there is an inherent
insecurity lurking in the background.
Take former European colonies and the difference in
post-colonial attitudes.
African countries couldn’t wait to tear down the monuments
of their former masters whilst the Indians preserved many of the pompous
British Imperial edifices in a very indifferent non-plused manner in the off
chance Jonny Englander might come for a photo, much to the envy of the rest of
the Daily Mail readership. (Although that's not to say your humble narrator blames the Africans for such actions, we're all human after all and people like King Leopold of Belgium didn't do much to raise Europeans to the moral high ground)
In Central and Eastern Europe
many cities now strive to show off ‘their’ architecture, buildings imposed on
them by ‘oppressive’ empires: Krakov, Prague, Zagreb, Ljubljana, L’vov,
Chernivtsi, Brasov and many more beside. Each town is proud of its
architectural portfolio and the Hapsburgs be damned if they’re getting the
credit or the resentment.
Dublin had this phase too, some citizens there were glad to
see the ‘British’ houses of Georgian Dublin go under the wrecker’s hammer but
now Georgian Dublin (at least as far as one can discern from tourist
literature) IS Dublin. (Your humble narrator worked in a Dublin hotel that once
served as a bank back in the Georgian hey-day).
Now the chip on the collective shoulder has been replaced by
pragmatism. The Georgian and Victorian buildings of Dublin are now a source of
pride and perhaps though British by inception were built by Irish hands.
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Dublin Pubs: They didn't build themselves |
The people of Dublin are all the better for this acceptance
of their ‘foreign’ influences, whether it be their buildings, their common
tongue or the very foundation of Dublin itself (a Viking trading post, colony
and slave port).
The same can’t be said for the Northern Protestants who have
went from being foreigners, quasi foreigners (as in Protestant Gaels), to full
blown Irish, to Ulster nationalists (still Irish) to now simply British.
They are not only Irish, they were as instrumental to Irish
culture and its recognisable symbols as the ancient Irish were to Scotland (for
example, the word ‘craic’ (originally spelled as 'crack') and musical reels are both Scottish imports).
Yet many would violently deny their Irishness on account of
the perception of what Irishness ‘is’ i.e. in the eyes of many Protestants it
is that brand of Irishness championed by Sinn Fein who are not yet even at the
African-esque post-colonial stage of nationalism.
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TRYING to ruin everything |
Your humble narrator, who cherishes his Scottish ancestry to such an extent that he got married in a kilt (and persuaded attending Slavs to dress similarly) regrets that there is such an artificial cultural wedge driven between Erin and Alba that the two countries are culturally speaking being pushed so far apart by the very people who should act as a cultural bridge.
Kilts were once the preserve of extreme Irish nationalists, now they are the preserve of the Ulster Scots and the British army. A golden opportunity lost.
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Irishmen in kilts |
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Irish man in a kilt |
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Irishman in a kilt (a.k.a. 'Ulster Scot') |
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South African Irishmen in kilts |
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Irish Nationalist in a kilt |
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You get the idea... |
To have an Ireland (at least in
the North) where kilts, pipes, Gaelic, lambegs, folk dances, music, hurley
sticks and marches are part and parcel of EVERYONE’S identity would be a strong
Ireland indeed. The Northerners would stick out very much as Northerners; different
from the South and different from the Scots yet comprised of the best parts of
both lands.
To push the sci-fi fantasy of earlier even further and
propose the impossible scenario that once again the language of the mainly
Presbyterian Scottish Outer Hebrides should become the dominant language of the
two lands (the language that was the tongue of Dalriada, the ancient kingdom
much lauded by the modern Ulster Scots) then where exactly would the
differences in the cultures lie?
when the culture ‘stasi’ of the south started to tinker with the idea of what
Irish culture should be did the difference start to take root for Northern
Ireland’s isolated Catholic population looked to the south for cultural
guidance, not to their Northern Protestant compatriots (who didn’t want them
there in the first place).
So now Ulster Scots is making a recovery but this time it’s
showing some of ‘puritanism’ and contrived nationalism as their
opposite numbers down south did when trying to refashion ‘culture’.
The Irish
nationalists wanted rid of ‘foreign’ influences, the Ulster-Scots nationalists
want to retain pretty much only foreign influences and the rich’ culture that
should have been’ has been still-born at best, murdered at worst.
The irony of being more Scottish than Scottish so as not to be Irish
is not lost on your wretched narrator who so dearly wishes to see the northern
land retain its natural stance in the order of things:
the cultural bridge
between Ireland and Scotland, not a series of contrived cultural fault lines.
I think that there are few families in Northern Ireland and perhaps the other 3 counties of Ulster who don't have Scottish blood in their veins.
ReplyDeleteExactly Mr J!
ReplyDeleteIt should be a common theme to us all, instead of the 'split' that we have now.
BTW, I think you should mention your brother's book on such posts, anyone who is interested in this topic would probably be interested in it too eh?
Promote shamelessly Mr J, I give my blessing
...and the title of the book is?
ReplyDelete"Tyrone Triumphant inc: From Bigot to Ulster Scot"
ReplyDeleteThanks for the promotion, AG ;-)